
时间:2021-06-03 08:56:18 来源:必威BETWAY官网


  Email: zhangzhonghua_79@163.com

  入选国家“万人计划”中青年科技创新领军人才、青年拔尖人才和山东省泰山学者特聘教授,获国家自然科学二等奖(第2)和中国青年科技奖等。中国园艺学会分子育种分会秘书长,Journal of Integrative Agriculture (JIA)Horticultural Plant Journal等期刊编委,中央国家机关青联委员,全国青联常委。

  NatureScienceCellNature Genetics等期刊共发表SCI论文50篇,累计影响因子超过500,共被引用9200余次,其中(共同)第一或通讯作者在Nature Genetics3篇)Nature CommunicationsPNASPlant Cell期刊发表20篇,编写了美国Science Publishers出版专著的两个章节。主持国家重点研发计划课题1项(1205万),2013年获国家自然科学基金委优秀青年科学基金项目,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目3项,主持国家973863计划子课题。


  1997.09 - 2001.07:必威betway东盟体育,园艺专业,学士

  2001.09 - 2006.07:浙江大学,生命科学院生物信息学专业,博士


  2006.07 – 2019.09:中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所,博士后/助研/副研/研究员

  2013.04 - 2013.10:比利时根特大学,访问学者

  2019.10 – 至今:必威betway东盟体育,必威BETWAY官网经理





  1. 科技部重点研发计划项目“蔬菜优异种质资源形成与演化规律”课题主持人,1205万,20168月至202012月。
  2. 中组部“万人计划”青年拔尖人才,主持人,210万。
  3. 国家自然科学委优秀青年科学基金项目,经费100万元,20141月至201612月。
  4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目华北型和华南型黄瓜分化形成的遗传基础,经费85万,20181月至202112月。
  5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目黄瓜永久群体的基因组作图及其在果实性状中的研究,经费85万,20131月至201612月。
  6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目黄瓜野生变种和栽培变种的全基因组遗传多样性挖掘,经费32万,20101月至201212月。
  7. 973计划项目主要蔬菜重要品质性状形成的遗传机理与分子改良子课题任务,经费100万元,20121月至201612月。

  代表性论文和论著 ($ 第一, # 通讯)

  1. Zhang H. $, Li S. $, Yang L. $, Cai G. $, Chen H., Gao D., Lin T., Cui Q., Wang D., Li Z., Cai R., Bai S., Lucas W.J., Huang S., Zhang Z. #, and Sun J. # Gain-of-function of the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase gene ACS1G induces female flower development in cucumber gynoecy. Plant Cell, 2020, doi.org/10.1093/plcell/koaa018.
  2. Zhao G. $, Lian Q. $, Zhang Z. $, Fu Q. $, He Y., Ma S., Ruggieri V., Monforte A.J., Wang P., Julca I., Wang H., Liu J., Xu Y., Wang R., Ji J., Xu Z., Kong W., Zhong Y., Shang J., Pereira L., Argyris J., Zhang J., Mayobre C., Pujol M., Oren E., Ou D., Wang J., Sun D., Zhao S., Zhu Y., Li N., Katzir N., Gur A., Dogimont C., Schaefer H., Fan W., Bendahmane A., Fei Z., Pitrat M., Gabaldon T., Lin T., Garcia-Mas J. #, Xu Y. #, and Huang S. # A comprehensive genome variation map of melon identifies multiple domestication events and loci influencing agronomic traits. Nat Genet, 2019, 51:1607-1615.
  3. Xie D. $, Xu Y. $, Wang J., Liu W., Zhou Q., Luo S., Huang W., He X., Li Q., Peng Q., Yang X., Yuan J., Yu J., Wang X., Lucas W.J., Huang S., Jiang B. #, and Zhang Z. # The wax gourd genomes offer insights into the genetic diversity and ancestral cucurbit karyotype. Nature communications, 2019, 10(1):5158.
  4. Zhang Z. $, Wang B. $, Wang S. $, Lin T. #, Yang L., Zhao Z., Zhang Z., Huang S., Yang X. # Genome-wide Target Mapping Shows Histone Deacetylase Complex 1 Regulates Cell Proliferation in Cucumber Fruit. Plant Physiology, 2019.8.4, 00532.
  5. Li Q. $, Li H. $, Huang W. $, Xu Y., Zhou Q., Wang S., Ruan J., Huang S., and Zhang Z. # A chromosome-scale genome assembly of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Gigascience, 2019; 8(6):1-10.
  6. Xin T. $, Zhang Z. $, Li S., Zhang S., Li Q., Zhang Z.H., Huang S., and Yang X. # Genetic Regulation of Ethylene Dosage for Cucumber Fruit Elongation. Plant Cell, 2019, 31(5):1063-1076.
  7. Zhu G$, Wang S$, Huang Z, Zhang S, Liao Q, Zhang C, Lin T, Qin M, Peng M, Yang C, Cao X, Han X, Wang X, van der Knaap E, Zhang Z, Cui X, Klee H, Fernie AR, Luo J#, Huang S#. Rewiring of the Fruit Metabolome in Tomato Breeding. Cell. 2018;172(1-2):249-61.
  8. Wang Y, Zhou Q, Zhu G, Wang S, Ma Y, Miao H, Zhang S, Huang S, Zhang Z#, Gu X#. Genetic analysis and identification of a candidate gene associated with in vitro regeneration ability of cucumber. Theor Appl Genet. 2018;131(12):2663-75.
  9. Xiang C$, Duan Y$, Li H, Ma W, Huang S, Sui X#, Zhang Z#, Wang C#. A High-Density EST-SSR-Based Genetic Map and QTL Analysis of Dwarf Trait in Cucurbita pepo L. Int J Mol Sci. 2018;19(10).
  10. Xu C$, Jiao C$, Sun H, Cai X, Wang X, Ge C, Zheng Y, Liu W, Sun X, Xu Y, Deng J, Zhang Z, Huang S, Dai S, Mou B, Wang Q, Fei Z#, Wang Q#. Draft genome of spinach and transcriptome diversity of 120 Spinacia accessions. Nat Commun. 2017;8:15275.
  11. Gao D$, Zhang C$, Zhang S$, Hu B, Wang S, Zhang Z, Huang S#. Mutation in a novel gene SMALL AND CORDATE LEAF 1 affects leaf morphology in cucumber. J Integr Plant Biol. 2017;59(10):736-41.
  12. Zhou Y$, Ma Y$, Zeng J$, Duan L$, Xue X, Wang H, Lin T, Liu Z, Zeng K, Zhong Y, Zhang S, Hu Q, Liu M, Zhang H, Reed J, Moses T, Liu X, Huang P, Qing Z, Liu X, Tu P, Kuang H, Zhang Z, Osbourn A, Ro DK, Shang Y, Huang S#. Convergence and divergence of bitterness biosynthesis and regulation in Cucurbitaceae. Nat Plants. 2016;2:16183.
  13. Lin T$, Wang S$, Zhong Y$, Gao D, Cui Q, Chen H, Zhang Z, Shen H, Weng Y, Huang S#. A Truncated F-Box Protein Confers the Dwarfism in Cucumber. J Genet Genomics. 2016;43(4):223-6.
  14. Chen H$, Sun J$, Li S$, Cui Q, Zhang H, Xin F, Wang H, Lin T, Gao D, Wang S, Li X, Wang D, Zhang Z, Xu Z, Huang S#. An ACC Oxidase Gene Essential for Cucumber Carpel Development. Mol Plant. 2016;9(9):1315-27.
  15. Bu F$, Chen H$, Shi Q, Zhou Q, Gao D, Zhang Z, Huang S#. A major quantitative trait locus conferring subgynoecy in cucumber. Theor Appl Genet. 2016;129(1):97-104.
  16. Zhou Q$, Wang S$, Hu B$, Chen H, Zhang Z#, Huang S#. An ACCUMULATION AND REPLICATION OF CHLOROPLASTS 5 gene mutation confers light green peel in cucumber. J Integr Plant Biol. 2015;57(11):936-42.
  17. Zhou Q$, Miao H$, Li S$, Zhang S, Wang Y, Weng Y, Zhang Z#, Huang S#, Gu X#. A Sequencing-Based Linkage Map of Cucumber. Mol Plant. 2015;8(6):961-3.
  18. Zhang Z$, Mao L$, Chen H$, Bu F$, Li G$, Sun J, Li S, Sun H, Jiao C, Blakely R, Pan J, Cai R, Luo R, Van de Peer Y, Jacobsen E, Fei Z#, Huang S#. Genome-Wide Mapping of Structural Variations Reveals a Copy Number Variant That Determines Reproductive Morphology in Cucumber. Plant Cell. 2015;27(6):1595-604.
  19. Wang S$, Yang X$, Xu M, Lin X, Lin T, Qi J, Shao G, Tian N, Yang Q, Zhang Z, Huang S#. A Rare SNP Identified a TCP Transcription Factor Essential for Tendril Development in Cucumber. Mol Plant. 2015;8(12):1795-808.
  20. Shang Y$, Ma Y$, Zhou Y$, Zhang H$, Duan L, Chen H, Zeng J, Zhou Q, Wang S, Gu W, Liu M, Ren J, Gu X, Zhang S, Wang Y, Yasukawa K, Bouwmeester HJ, Qi X, Zhang Z, Lucas WJ, Huang S#. Biosynthesis, regulation, and domestication of bitterness in cucumber. Science. 2014;346(6213):1084-8.
  21. Lu H$, Lin T$, Klein J, Wang S, Qi J, Zhou Q, Sun J, Zhang Z, Weng Y, Huang S#. QTL-seq identifies an early flowering QTL located near Flowering Locus T in cucumber. Theor Appl Genet. 2014;127(7):1491-9.
  22. Lin T$, Zhu G$, Zhang J$, Xu X$, Yu Q$, Zheng Z$, Zhang Z, Lun Y, Li S, Wang X, Huang Z, Li J, Zhang C, Wang T, Zhang Y, Wang A, Zhang Y, Lin K, Li C, Xiong G, Xue Y, Mazzucato A, Causse M, Fei Z, Giovannoni JJ, Chetelat RT, Zamir D, Stadler T, Li J#, Ye Z#, Du Y#, Huang S#. Genomic analyses provide insights into the history of tomato breeding. Nat Genet. 2014;46(11):1220-6.
  23. Lin K$, Limpens E$, Zhang Z, Ivanov S, Saunders DGO, Mu D, Pang E, Cao H, Cha H, Lin T, Zhou Q, Shang Y, Li Y, Sharma T, van Velzen R, de Ruijter N, Aanen DK, Win J, Kamoun S, Bisseling T, Geurts R, Huang S#. Single Nucleus Genome Sequencing Reveals High Similarity among Nuclei of an Endomycorrhizal Fungus. PLoS Genet. 2014;10(1):e1004078.
  24. Zhang C$, Liu L$, Zheng Z, Sun Y, Zhou L, Yang Y, Cheng F, Zhang Z, Wang X, Huang S, Xie B, Du Y, Bai Y, Li J#. Fine mapping of the Ph-3 gene conferring resistance to late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in tomato. Theor Appl Genet. 2013;126(10):2643-53.
  25. Sun J$, Zhang Z$, Zong X, Huang S, Li Z, Han Y#. A high-resolution cucumber cytogenetic map integrated with the genome assembly. BMC Genomics. 2013;14:461.
  26. Sharma SK$, Bolser D, de Boer J, Sonderkaer M, Amoros W, Carboni MF, D'Ambrosio JM, de la Cruz G, Di Genova A, Douches DS, Eguiluz M, Guo X, Guzman F, Hackett CA, Hamilton JP, Li G, Li Y, Lozano R, Maass A, Marshall D, Martinez D, McLean K, Mejia N, Milne L, Munive S, Nagy I, Ponce O, Ramirez M, Simon R, Thomson SJ, Torres Y, Waugh R, Zhang Z, Huang S, Visser RG, Bachem CW, Sagredo B, Feingold SE, Orjeda G, Veilleux RE, Bonierbale M, Jacobs JM, Milbourne D, Martin DM, Bryan GJ#. Construction of reference chromosome-scale pseudomolecules for potato: integrating the potato genome with genetic and physical maps. G3 2013;3(11):2031-47.
  27. Qi J$, Liu X$, Shen D$, Miao H$, Xie B$, Li X$, Zeng P, Wang S, Shang Y, Gu X, Du Y, Li Y, Lin T, Yuan J, Yang X, Chen J, Chen H, Xiong X, Huang K, Fei Z, Mao L, Tian L, Stadler T, Renner SS, Kamoun S, Lucas WJ, Zhang Z#, Huang S#. A genomic variation map provides insights into the genetic basis of cucumber domestication and diversity. Nat Genet. 2013;45(12):1510-5.
  28. Lou Q$, He Y, Cheng C, Zhang Z, Li J, Huang S, Chen J#. Integration of high-resolution physical and genetic map reveals differential recombination frequency between chromosomes and the genome assembling quality in cucumber. PLoS ONE. 2013;8(5):e62676.
  29. Guo S$, Zhang J$, Sun H$, Salse J$, Lucas WJ, Zhang H, Zheng Y, Mao L, Ren Y, Wang Z, Min J, Guo X, Murat F, Ham BK, Zhang Z, Gao S, Huang M, Xu Y, Zhong S, Bombarely A, Mueller LA, Zhao H, He H, Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Huang S, Tan T, Pang E, Lin K, Hu Q, Kuang H, Ni P, Wang B, Liu J, Kou Q, Hou W, Zou X, Jiang J, Gong G, Klee K, Schoof H, Huang Y, Hu X, Dong S, Liang D, Wang J, Wu K, Xia Y, Zhao X, Zheng Z, Xing M, Liang X, Huang B, Lv T, Wang J, Yin Y, Yi H, Li R, Wu M, Levi A, Zhang X, Giovannoni JJ, Wang J#, Li Y#, Fei Z#, Xu Y#. The draft genome of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) and resequencing of 20 diverse accessions. Nat Genet. 2013;45(1):51-8.
  30. Tomato Genome Consortium. The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution. Nature. 2012;485(7400):635-41.
  31. Lv J$, Qi J$, Shi Q$, Shen D$, Zhang S$, Shao G, Li H, Sun Z, Weng Y, Shang Y, Gu X, Li X, Zhu X, Zhang J, van Treuren R, van Dooijeweert W, Zhang Z, Huang S#. Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). PLoS One. 2012;7(10):e46919.
  32. Zhao X$, Lu J, Zhang Z, Hu J, Huang S, Jin W#. Comparison of the distribution of the repetitive DNA sequences in three variants of Cucumis sativus reveals their phylogenetic relationships. J Genet Genomics. 2011;38(1):39-45.
  33. Wang X$#, Wang H#, Wang J#, Sun R#, Wu J$, Liu S$, Bai Y$, Mun JH$, Bancroft I$, Cheng F, Huang S, Li X, Hua W, Freeling M, Pires JC, Paterson AH, Chalhoub B, Wang B, Hayward A, Sharpe AG, Park BS, Weisshaar B, Liu B, Li B, Tong C, Song C, Duran C, Peng C, Geng C, Koh C, Lin C, Edwards D, Mu D, Shen D, Soumpourou E, Li F, Fraser F, Conant G, Lassalle G, King GJ, Bonnema G, Tang H, Belcram H, Zhou H, Hirakawa H, Abe H, Guo H, Jin H, Parkin IA, Batley J, Kim JS, Just J, Li J, Xu J, Deng J, Kim JA, Yu J, Meng J, Min J, Poulain J, Hatakeyama K, Wu K, Wang L, Fang L, Trick M, Links MG, Zhao M, Jin M, Ramchiary N, Drou N, Berkman PJ, Cai Q, Huang Q, Li R, Tabata S, Cheng S, Zhang S, Sato S, Sun S, Kwon SJ, Choi SR, Lee TH, Fan W, Zhao X, Tan X, Xu X, Wang Y, Qiu Y, Yin Y, Li Y, Du Y, Liao Y, Lim Y, Narusaka Y, Wang Z, Li Z, Xiong Z, Zhang Z. The genome of the mesopolyploid crop species Brassica rapa. Nat Genet. 2011;43(10):1035-9.
  34. The Potato Genome Sequencing Consortium. Genome sequence and analysis of the tuber crop potato. Nature. 2011;475(7355):189-95.
  35. Miao H$, Zhang S, Wang X, Zhang Z, Li M, Mu S, Cheng Z, Zhang R, Huang S, Xie B, Fang Z, Zhang Z, Weng Y, Gu X#. A linkage map of cultivated cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) with 248 microsatellite marker loci and seven genes for horticulturally important traits. Euphytica. 2011;(2):167-76.
  36. Li Z$, Zhang Z$, Yan P, Huang S, Fei Z, Lin K#. RNA-Seq improves annotation of protein-coding genes in the cucumber genome. BMC Genomics. 2011;12(1):540.
  37. Han Y$, Zhang Z, Huang S, Jin W#. An integrated molecular cytogenetic map of Cucumis sativus L. chromosome 2. BMC Genet. 2011;12(1):18.
  38. Liu C$, Liu J, Li H, Zhang Z, Han Y, Huang S, Jin W#. Karyotyping in melon (Cucumis melo L.) by cross-species fosmid fluorescence in situ hybridization. Cytogenet Genome Res. 2010;129(1-3):241-9.
  39. Kang H$, Weng Y, Yang Y, Zhang Z, Zhang S, Mao Z, Cheng G, Gu X, Huang S#, Xie B#. Fine genetic mapping localizes cucumber scab resistance gene Ccu into an R gene cluster. Theor Appl Genet. 2010.
  40. Guo S$, Zheng Y$, Joung JG, Liu S, Zhang Z, Crasta OR, Sobral BW, Xu Y, Huang S#, Fei Z#. Transcriptome sequencing and comparative analysis of cucumber flowers with different sex types. BMC Genomics. 2010;11:384.
  41. Ren Y$, Zhang Z$, Liu J$, Staub JE, Han Y, Cheng Z, Li X, Lu J, Miao H, Kang H, Xie B, Gu X, Wang X, Du Y, Jin W, Huang S#. An Integrated Genetic and Cytogenetic Map of the Cucumber Genome. PLoS ONE. 2009;4(6):e5795.
  42. Mueller LA$, Lankhorst RK, Tanksley SD, Giovannoni JJ, White R, Vrebalov J, Fei Z, van Eck J, Buels R, Mills AA, Menda N, Tecle IY, Bombarely A, Stack S, Royer SM, Chang S-B, Shearer LA, Kim BD, Jo S-H, Hur C-G, Choi D, Li C-B, Zhao J, Jiang H, Geng Y, Dai Y, Fan H, Chen J, Lu F, Shi J, Sun S, Chen J, Yang X, Lu C, Chen M, Cheng Z, Li C, Ling H, Xue Y, Wang Y, Seymour GB, Bishop GJ, Bryan G, Rogers J, Sims S, Butcher S, Buchan D, Abbott J, Beasley H, Nicholson C, Riddle C, Humphray S, McLaren K, Mathur S, Vyas S, Solanke AU, Kumar R, Gupta V, Sharma AK, Khurana P, Khurana JP, Tyagi A, Sarita, Chowdhury P, Shridhar S, Chattopadhyay D, Pandit A, Singh P, Kumar A, Dixit R, Singh A, Praveen S, Dalal V, Yadav M, Ghazi IA, Gaikwad K, Sharma TR, Mohapatra T, Singh NK, Szinay D, de Jong H, Peters S, van Staveren M, Datema E, Fiers MWEJ, van Ham RCHJ, Lindhout P, Philippot M, Frasse P, Regad F, Zouine M, Bouzayen M, Asamizu E, Sato S, Fukuoka H, Tabata S, Shibata D, Botella MA, Perez-Alonso M, Fernandez-Pedrosa V, Osorio S, Mico A, Granell A, Zhang Z, He J, Huang S, Du Y, Qu D, Liu L, Liu D, Wang J, Ye Z, Yang W, Wang G, Vezzi A, Todesco S, Valle G, Falcone G, Pietrella M, Giuliano G, Grandillo S, Traini A, D'Agostino N, Chiusano ML, Ercolano M, Barone A, Frusciante L, Schoof H, Jcker A, Bruggmann R, Spannagl M, Mayer KXF, Guig R, Camara F, Rombauts S, Fawcett JA, Van de Peer Y, Knapp S, Zamir D#, Stiekema W#. A Snapshot of the Emerging Tomato Genome Sequence. Plant Genome. 2009;2(1):78-92.
  43. Liu QP$#, Wang HS, Zhang ZH, Wu JS, Feng Y, Zhu ZJ#. Divergence in function and expression of the NOD26-like intrinsic proteins in plants. BMC Genomics. 2009;10(1):313.
  44. Li Z$, Huang S$, Liu S, Pan J, Zhang Z, Tao Q, Shi Q, Jia Z, Zhang W, Chen H, Si L, Zhu L, Cai R#. Molecular Isolation of the M Gene Suggests That a Conserved-Residue Conversion Induces the Formation of Bisexual Flowers in Cucumber Plants. Genetics. 2009;182(4):1381-5.
  45. Huang S$#, Li R$, Zhang Z$, Li L$, Gu X$, Fan W$, Lucas WJ$, Wang X, Xie B, Ni P, Ren Y, Zhu H, Li J, Lin K, Jin W, Fei Z, Li G, Staub J, Kilian A, van der Vossen EAG, Wu Y, Guo J, He J, Jia Z, Ren Y, Tian G, Lu Y, Ruan J, Qian W, Wang M, Huang Q, Li B, Xuan Z, Cao J, Asan, Wu Z, Zhang J, Cai Q, Bai Y, Zhao B, Han Y, Li Y, Li X, Wang S, Shi Q, Liu S, Cho WK, Kim J-Y, Xu Y, Heller-Uszynska K, Miao H, Cheng Z, Zhang S, Wu J, Yang Y, Kang H, Li M, Liang H, Ren X, Shi Z, Wen M, Jian M, Yang H, Zhang G, Yang Z, Chen R, Liu S, Li J, Ma L, Liu H, Zhou Y, Zhao J, Fang X, Li G, Fang L, Li Y, Liu D, Zheng H, Zhang Y, Qin N, Li Z, Yang G, Yang S, Bolund L, Kristiansen K, Zheng H, Li S, Zhang X, Yang H, Wang J, Sun R, Zhang B, Jiang S, Wang J#, Du Y#, Li S#. The genome of the cucumber, Cucumis sativus L. Nat Genet. 2009;41(12):1275-81.
  46. Han Y$, Zhang Z$, Liu C, Liu J, Huang S, Jiang J, Jin W#. Centromere repositioning in cucurbit species: Implication of the genomic impact from centromere activation and inactivation. PNAS. 2009;106(35):14937-41.
  47. Han YH$, Zhang ZH, Liu JH, Lu JY, Huang SW, Jin WW#. Distribution of the tandem repeat sequences and karyotyping in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Cytogenetic and Genome Research. 2008;122(1):80-8.
  48. Zhang Z$, Deng Y$, Tan J$, Hu S, Yu J, Xue Q#. A genome-wide microsatellite polymorphism database for the indica and japonica rice. DNA Res. 2007;14(1):37-45.


  1. Zhang, Z., He, J., and Huang, S#., Chapter 11 Cucumber Genomics, in Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Cucurbits, Wang, Y.-H., Behera, T.K., and Chittaranjan, K., Editors. Science Publishers. 2011, p. 335-352.
  2. Huang, S#. and Zhang, Z., Chapter11 Comparative Genome Sequencing of Tomato and Potato: Methods and Analysis, in Genetics, Genomics, and Breeding of Tomato, Liedl, E.B., et al., Editors. Science Publishers. 2013, p. 361-380.
  3. Bai Y, Zhang Z#, Fei Z#. Databases and Bioinformatics for Cucurbits Species. In: Grumet R, Katzir N, Garcia-Mas J, editors. Genetics and Genomics of Cucurbitaceae: Springer Nature; 2017.

  必威betway东盟体育二级教授、博士生导师,长期从事黄瓜、甜瓜等蔬菜作物功能基因组学研究,开发了农艺性状功能基因研究的新方法,鉴定了果实风味、大小、性别决定等多个重要性状的关键基因,并用于多个高产优质新品种选育,加速了蔬菜作物遗传育种基础研究,为全基因组分子育种提供了支持。入选国家“万人计划”科技创新领军人才,获第十四届“中国青年科技奖”和国家自然科学二等奖(第2)。中国园艺学会分子育种分会秘书长,Journal of Integrative Agriculture (JIA)Horticultural Plant Journal等期刊编委,中央国家机关青联委员,全国青联常委。NatureScienceCellNature Genetics等期刊共发表SCI论文44篇,累计影响因子超过500,共被引用8000余次,其中(共同)第一或通讯作者在Nature Genetics3篇)Nature CommunicationsPNASPlant Cell期刊发表13篇,编写了美国Science Publishers出版专著的两个章节。主持国家重点研发计划课题1项,2013年获国家自然科学基金委优秀青年科学基金项目,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目3项。


  1997.09 - 2001.07:必威betway东盟体育,园艺专业,学士

  2001.09 - 2006.07:浙江大学,生命科学院生物信息学专业,博士


  2006.07 – 至今:中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所,博士后/助研/副研/研究员

  2013.04 - 2013.10:比利时根特大学,访问学者

  2019.10 – 至今:必威betway东盟体育,必威BETWAY官网经理





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